Brilliant Ideas,
Creatively Crafted Skillfully Developed Beautifully Transformed

Brilliant Ideas,
Creatively Crafted Skillfully Developed Beautifully Transformed



Custom Development

Front-end Developers

CoreiBytes provides an extensive array of front-end development services aimed at establishing a strong brand presence. Our team of skilled frontend engineers is well-equipped to craft software frontends that leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a small-scale project or a larger initiative aligned with your business objectives, we stand ready to deliver tailored solutions for you. Your software’s frontend will be in expert hands at CoreiBytes!

Back-end Developers

Recognizing the pivotal role of back-end development in seamlessly connecting functionality, performance, and speed, CoreiBytes places significant emphasis on our robust back-end services. Crafted to enhance efficiency across all levels and adapt to growing complexities, our dedicated team of top-tier engineers specializes in developing back-end solutions. With a proven track record of expertise, CoreiBytes is poised to share insights and elevate your business to new heights.

Mobile Developers

At CoreiBytes Limited, our team of highly proficient Kotlin developers has honed their skills in crafting outstanding Android applications that make a lasting impact. Drawing on their platform expertise, our specialists excel in producing captivating designs that immediately engage users upon encountering your app. From the initial concept to deployment, we methodically develop Android applications that not only exceed user expectations but also seamlessly align with your business goals.

Ui/Ux Designers

We excel at creating appealing and ergonomic UI/UX designs for web and mobile applications, employing up-to-date tools and technologies. Keeping abreast of the latest 2D/3D design trends, we strive to empower our projects with the best possible solutions. Our UI/UX team is dedicated to providing you with a unique and compelling product design that perfectly reflects your brand personality, enhances market awareness, and boosts user conversions.

3D Designers

For clients seeking remarkable 3D design and a tailored project approach, CoreiBytes Limited is the go-to destination. We deliver top-notch 3D modeling services through our proficient in-house teams of 3D artists and animators with extensive experience. Opt for our high-quality 3D graphic design services to precisely meet the demands of your target audience and make a significant impact.

QA Engineers

CoreiBytes Limited excels in delivering high-quality services for the establishment and maintenance of QA processes and software testing, provided by our specialized team of seasoned QA engineers. Our QA processes and software testing methodologies are grounded in industry best practices, cutting-edge tools, and extensive expertise accumulated over years of successfully developing digital products. 

Dev-Ops Engineers

With a substantial history in the industry, CoreiBytes Limited offers top-notch, tailored DevOps management and consulting services. Elevate your project by integrating optimal Agile practices, including CI/CD, DevSecOps, GitOps, and Kubernetes, with the expertise of our DevOps engineers.

Business Analyst

Business analysis plays a crucial role in the software development process, serving as a vital link between clients and the development team. CoreiBytes Limited is well-equipped with a team of certified business analysis professionals who possess the expertise to employ industry-specific methodologies and global best practices. 

Personalized Software Solutions


Utilizing a team of proficient Kotlin developers, CoreiBytes Limited has perfected the craft of constructing outstanding Android applications that make a lasting impact. Drawing on their platform expertise, our specialists excel at designing captivating interfaces that engage users right from the initial interaction with your app. 


CoreiBytes Limited strengthens businesses with top-tier blockchain solutions, leveraging extensive expertise in blockchain technology to automate, secure, and expedite operations. Our team guides businesses through every stage of enhancing their processes with cutting-edge technologies.


At CoreiBytes Limited, our focus on cloud app development services is centered on revolutionizing the operational landscape for enterprises. Through the integration of cloud applications, we expedite business transformation and maximize the benefits of robust cloud environments. Our team of skilled and accomplished professionals facilitates secure infrastructure investments, streamlining the shift towards SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS business models.

Data Engineers

CoreiBytes Limited offers state-of-the-art data engineering solutions designed to elevate your business to new heights. We specialize in creating top-notch infrastructures and optimizing data flows to extract essential insights, ultimately enhancing your organization’s productivity and performance. Our cloud data engineers are committed to swiftly transferring your enterprise data.


Web Development

CoreiBytes Limited provides a diverse array of customized web development services, expertly delivered by knowledgeable and seasoned specialists. Our goal is to enhance business workflows, support startup endeavors, and create best-selling products meticulously optimized in key areas. We offer cutting-edge solutions driven by adaptable collaboration, profound expertise, and current technology executed by proven professionals.

Expert IT Advisory

Expert Technology Consultation

Undergo an in-depth evaluation of your software stack and architecture, including a code review, to receive a sustainable plan for modernizing these domains.

Technology Audit Services

Engage our software audit consultants to assist in evaluating your existing IT infrastructure, crafting a robust optimization strategy.

Customized Architecture Solutions

We specialize in constructing high-level solution architectures that serve as the foundation for robust digital systems. Our expertise lies in creating architectural frameworks that elevate the performance and scalability of your digital infrastructure.

Research & Development:

Our team pioneers innovative solutions by leveraging the latest technological advancements. We are dedicated to incorporating cutting-edge technology to bring forward-thinking solutions to your projects.


We excel in delivering intricate prototypes with precision under tight deadlines. Our focus is on providing highly detailed prototypes that align with your project requirements.


We offer software maintenance services dedicated to ensuring robust security and high-performance levels. Our focus is on sustaining the optimal functionality of your software, guaranteeing a secure and reliable digital environment.

Tech Transformation

Business process management (BPM)

At CoreiBytes Limited, we specialize in crafting custom BPM systems aimed at streamlining and automating internal operations. Our solutions are tailored to optimize efficiency, ensuring a seamless and automated workflow for enhanced organizational productivity.

Document & content management

CoreiBytes Limited excels in developing custom software platforms designed to enhance document workflows and streamline content management. Our solutions are tailored to optimize processes, providing an efficient and organized approach to document management within your business.

Data analytics and visualization

CoreiBytes Limited offers diverse data processing and analysis solutions, empowering clients to make informed decisions across various business aspects. Through our collaborative efforts, clients gain a fresh perspective on their operations and business development. Most importantly, they benefit from top-notch data analysis, requiring minimal effort and offered at a competitive price point.

Human resource management (HRM)

CoreiBytes Limited specializes in creating electronic systems to facilitate the daily operations of HR departments. Our solutions are tailored to streamline HR processes, providing efficient tools to enhance organizational effectiveness.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

We specialize in crafting custom ERP systems that prioritize robust security measures and ensure rapid user adoption. Our solutions are tailored to provide a secure and seamlessly integrated experience for efficient business operations.

Customer relationship management

CoreiBytes Limited provides CRM development services designed to unlock transformative sales and marketing opportunities. Our solutions are tailored to enhance customer relationship management, empowering businesses to capitalize on game-changing avenues for sales and marketing success.



Machine learning

Deep Learling

Data Science

Computer Visison

Natural Language Processing


NFT Marketplace

3D NFT avatars

Wearable NFT clothing & accessories

NFT gifts & merchandise

NFT crypto artworks

NFT art museums

Business Intelligence (BI)

Data warehouse (DWH)


Data lakes

OLAP cubes

Data analytics

Real Time Repoerts


VR online stores

VR training apps

VR games, tours and presentations

Marker-based / less AR

GPS-based AR

Projection AR


Crypto Exchange

Crypto Wallets

Smart Contracts

Decentralized Applications

Decentralized Exchange

Custom blockchain solutions




In the realm of React development, practitioners utilize a powerful stack comprising React itself, alongside supplementary technologies such as Redux for state management, Redux-Saga for handling side effects, and RxJS for reactive programming. React-Native facilitates cross-platform mobile app development, while Three.JS offers capabilities for creating immersive 3D experiences. The inclusion of NextJS emphasizes server-side rendering and routing.


Angular developers navigate a comprehensive toolset, embracing the core Angular framework and additional libraries like NgRx for state management, NGXS for state management alternative, and MobX for reactive state management. Formly streamlines form creation, while Ionic provides a platform for building cross-platform mobile applications, enhancing the versatility of Angular development.


Vue.js enthusiasts harness the simplicity and flexibility of the framework, complemented by Vuex for state management, Vue Router for navigation, and NuxtJS for server-side rendering and enhanced project structure. Vue CLI facilitates project setup, and Vue Meta optimizes metadata management. The Vue.js ecosystem also includes support for various styling options such as CSS, SASS/SCSS, and LESS.


In the broader JavaScript landscape, developers have a wealth of libraries and tools at their disposal. This includes Material and Ant Design for UI components, Apollo GraphQL for efficient data fetching, and testing frameworks like Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme, and Mocha for ensuring code quality. The ecosystem also embraces technologies like Electron for building cross-platform desktop applications and Lerna for managing JavaScript projects in a monorepo. TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, is increasingly adopted for enhanced code maintainability and collaboration.


Java developers employ a robust stack, leveraging the versatile Spring Framework, encompassing Core, Data, Boot, Batch, Cloud, Security, Retry, MVC, AOP, and Reactor. Additional tools like MapStruct, Lombok, Hibernate, JPA2, Kafka, Flyway, and Microservices Architecture enhance the development process. Containerization with Docker, orchestration using Kubernetes, and support for various databases such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis contribute to a comprehensive Java development ecosystem.


In the .NET landscape, developers utilize .NET Core along with frameworks like ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET MVC. Technologies like Xamarin.Forms, WPF, and UWP enable cross-platform development. Stateless Architecture, Microservices, and integration with Azure Cloud services such as App Service, IoT Hub, and Event Hub further enhance the capabilities of .NET developers.

Official PHP Logo


Python developers leverage frameworks like Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, and FastAPI to build scalable applications. Asynchronous programming is facilitated by AsyncIO, AioHttp, and Tornado. Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, along with support for databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis, enrich the Python development ecosystem.


Node.js developers leverage frameworks like NestJS and Koa, along with databases such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL. They often deploy applications on AWS, creating scalable and performant solutions.


Python developers leverage frameworks like Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, and FastAPI to build scalable applications. Asynchronous programming is facilitated by AsyncIO, AioHttp, and Tornado. Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, along with support for databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis, enrich the Python development ecosystem.


Unity developers harness the power of the Unity game engine, incorporating tools like Godot, Blender, Krita, and Amplify Shader Editor. They integrate with mapping services using MapBox SDK and implement in-app purchases and analytics through Firebase SDK. Augmented reality (AR) capabilities are realized through ARCore, AR Foundation, ARKit, Vuforia, and Google VR SDK, ensuring a dynamic and engaging user experience.


Ruby developers employ frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Hanami, and Padrino, utilizing technologies such as GraphQL, Web Socket, Swagger, JWT, and OAuth. The Ruby ecosystem embraces a variety of tools and libraries for diverse development needs.


Go developers leverage the efficiency of the Go language, incorporating frameworks like gORM and Gin. They integrate with cloud services from AWS and GCP, utilize containerization with Docker, and work with databases like Redis, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.


Rust developers utilize the Rust language and its ecosystem tools such as Cargo, clap, and structopt. Web development is facilitated by frameworks like actix-web, gotham, and tide, while game development options include amethyst, bevy, fyrox, piston, and ggez.


iOS developers employ a comprehensive toolkit that includes Objective-C and Swift for programming, adopting design patterns like MVP (Model-View-Presenter) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel). Clean Swift architecture promotes maintainability, while layout is managed efficiently with SnapKit. Concurrency is handled using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), and networking tasks utilize Alamofire and URLSession. Location-based services are facilitated through MapKit and CoreLocation. Testing is performed with XCTest, and data persistence is managed with CoreData.


Android developers navigate a diverse tech stack, utilizing Java or Kotlin as programming languages. Design patterns such as MVP and MVVM enhance code structure, while Clean Architecture ensures separation of concerns. Android Architecture Components (AAC) like ViewModel, LiveData, Lifecycle, Navigation Component, and Paging facilitate efficient development. Dependency injection is achieved through Dagger2 and Hilt, and reactive programming is supported with RxJava 2 and Coroutines. Networking tasks are handled with Retrofit, and UI binding is managed with ViewBinding. Robust testing is carried out using JUnit, Mockito, and Robolectric, with database interactions facilitated by SQLite and Room.


Flutter developers embrace a reactive programming paradigm using Bloc, coupled with Clean Architecture principles. Dart async and RxDart facilitate asynchronous programming, while Dart Streams handle data streams. Navigation is streamlined with Navigator 2.0, and dependency injection is managed with GetIt. Testing is carried out with tools like Mocktail, and local data storage is achieved using SQFlite.

React Native

React Native developers leverage the React-Native framework, incorporating navigation with React-Navigation and state management with Redux and Redux-Saga. TypeScript ensures static typing, and styling is handled using StyleSheet. Firebase integration enhances real-time data capabilities, while Styled-Components contribute to a consistent and maintainable UI.


Xamarin developers have the flexibility of choosing Xamarin.Native for platform-specific development (Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac) or Xamarin.Forms for cross-platform solutions. The development environment is facilitated through Visual Studio, and .NET Core ensures compatibility. Electron is used for building cross-platform desktop applications, and REST API backends support data communication.


.NET MAUI developers leverage the power of .NET MAUI and .NET MAUI Blazor for cross-platform development. Visual Studio provides a robust development environment, and .NET Core ensures compatibility across platforms. REST/SOAP API backends facilitate data communication, and local data storage is managed with SQLite. XAML ensures a declarative UI, and dependency injection is achieved through Autofac.


In the AWS ecosystem, developers harness a suite of powerful services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for scalable computing, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for object storage, and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) for efficient container management. Data storage is managed through DynamoDB for NoSQL and Relational Database Service (RDS) for relational databases. AWS Lambda enables serverless computing, while ElastiCache facilitates in-memory caching. CloudSearch enhances search capabilities within applications


Azure provides developers with a versatile platform, offering services like Azure Virtual Machines for scalable computing, Azure Web Apps for streamlined web development, and Azure Functions for serverless computing. Azure Blob Storage manages large volumes of unstructured data, while Azure Notification Hub enables push notifications. AI capabilities are accessible through Azure AI, and Azure IoT Hub facilitates efficient Internet of Things (IoT) communication. Azure Event Hub manages real-time event streams, and various data storage solutions include Azure Tables and Azure Queue. DevOps is streamlined with Azure DevOps Pipelines, and content delivery is optimized with Azure Content Delivery Network. Application performance insights are gained through Azure Application Insights, and container orchestration is achieved using Azure Kubernetes. Azure SQL ensures efficient relational database management.


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a range of services, including Google Compute Engine for scalable virtual machines, Google App Engine for building and scaling applications, and Google Kubernetes Engine for container orchestration. Google Cloud Functions enable serverless computing, while Google Cloud SQL manages relational databases. Google Cloud Storage handles scalable object storage, and Google Cloud Datastore supports NoSQL database requirements. Google Cloud Bigtable is designed for large-scale data processing.


SAP development involves a diverse set of technologies, including SAP ABAP 7.5+ for programming, SAP UI5 and SAP Fiori for user interface development, and a variety of web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, XML, and JSON. SAP S/4Hana is utilized with its various components, including HANA DB, AMDP, CDS-extractors, and cloud services like SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public. Functional modules such as SAP FI (Finance), SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), SAP RE (Real Estate), SAP SCM (Supply Chain Management), and SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) are incorporated. Development involves tools like SAP BTP, SAP RAP, and CAP, along with Eclipse-based tools like ADT. Integration is achieved through SOAP, OData APIs, ABAP Proxy, FTP, SFTP, IDOC, DBOC, PBF Adobe Form, and XSTL. SAP S/4Hana migration, ALV Grid, ALV Tree, and various other tools and methodologies contribute to the SAP development landscape.


Salesforce developers work within the Salesforce ecosystem, employing technologies such as Apex code for server-side development, Visualforce for building user interfaces, and for web content management. The Customer 360 Platform facilitates comprehensive customer relationship management, and Lightning Web Components provide a modern development approach. Integration with external systems is achieved through REST/SOAP API interactions.

How We Develop?

The discovery phase is the initial stage of the project, where we discuss your idea and assumptions. We work together to define the roadmap, objectives, timeline, and full vision of the product to be developed. During the discovery phase, we cover all the essential areas, such as:  User types and flows, Data, Processes, Interfaces and Ideas Etc. We use brainstorming techniques to help us define the scope of the project and ensure that we are on the same page.

After the vision and business requirements are defined, the next step is to transform them into a software requirement specification. Our software architects then create a blueprint of a system that will operate under functional and non-functional constraints. The primary objective is to ensure that the system’s architecture meets business requirements.

The subsequent stage involves software development, where we recommend assembling the most suitable team based on the project’s requirements. Our development process adheres to the predefined specifications outlined in the software requirements. Employing an agile approach, we segment the development process into sprints, stories, features, and tasks. This division allows us to break down the project into manageable components, facilitating improved planning, transparency, and timely delivery.

Releasing software without quality assurance can be extremely risky, due to the rising expectations of end-users. We perform all required testing according to customer specifications, as the quality assurance process is an essential part of software development.

Upon completion and acceptance of the software, it can be deployed to the production environment. This necessitates a series of actions on our part. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless deployment process, confirming that the software is prepared for use.

We offer end-to-end software development services, including environment configuration, deployment, and roll-outs. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality software development services. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your project is a success.

Following the project’s conclusion, we are equipped to deliver technical support, maintenance services as per the agreed-upon Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Why Choose Us?

Case Studies

Businesses are dealing with complicated rules and strict regulations, so having a good Business Data Management System (BDMS) is really important. Keeping data organized and using it well is crucial for making operations better and following the rules. At CoreiBytes Ltd., we’re good at coming up with digital solutions, and we know how hard it can be for companies in all sorts of industries.

CoreiBytes Ltd. is excited to share that we’re teaming up with a top Swiss inventor to make our smart lights even better. This new software is part of our cool digital tools made just for businesses and cities. It will help cities run smoother and use less energy, making life better for everyone. Our business program has cool ideas to make cities better. We’ve got smart solutions that help save energy and 


eCommerce & Retail

With a focus on user-friendly interfaces and strategic digital campaigns, we’ve empowered eCommerce and retail businesses, facilitating enhanced online experiences and driving impactful marketing outcomes.

Finance, banking and insurance

Our software company and digital marketing agency have played a pivotal role in the finance, banking, and insurance sectors, providing tailored digital solutions and strategic marketing initiatives to optimize financial processes.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Leveraging our expertise in software solutions and digital marketing, we’ve contributed to advancements in healthcare and life sciences, ensuring seamless technological integration and innovative marketing strategies.

Hi-Tech & Innovations

At the forefront of technology, our company has actively participated in the hi-tech and innovations sector, delivering cutting-edge software solutions and dynamic digital marketing strategies for pioneering tech advancements.

eLearning & Education

Through our digital expertise, we’ve positively impacted eLearning and education, offering interactive software solutions and targeted marketing efforts that enhance educational platforms and engage learners effectively.

Automotive industry

In the dynamic automotive industry, our software prowess and digital marketing finesse have driven innovation, streamlining operations and crafting impactful campaigns for a competitive edge in the market.

Media & Entertainment

Our digital solutions have left a mark on the media and entertainment landscape, creating immersive software experiences and executing engaging marketing campaigns to captivate audiences and boost brand presence.

Enterprise & Manufacturing

With a focus on efficiency and scalability, we’ve supported enterprise and manufacturing businesses with robust software solutions and strategic digital marketing, optimizing operations and fostering growth.

Logistics & Transportation

Seamlessly connecting logistics and transportation through digital means, our company has provided software solutions and targeted digital marketing to enhance efficiency and elevate the industry’s digital presence.


eCommerce & Retail

With a focus on user-friendly interfaces and strategic digital campaigns, we’ve empowered eCommerce and retail businesses, facilitating enhanced online experiences and driving impactful marketing outcomes.

Finance, banking and insurance

Our software company and digital marketing agency have played a pivotal role in the finance, banking, and insurance sectors, providing tailored digital solutions and strategic marketing initiatives to optimize financial processes.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Leveraging our expertise in software solutions and digital marketing, we’ve contributed to advancements in healthcare and life sciences, ensuring seamless technological integration and innovative marketing strategies.

Hi-Tech & Innovations

At the forefront of technology, our company has actively participated in the hi-tech and innovations sector, delivering cutting-edge software solutions and dynamic digital marketing strategies for pioneering tech advancements.

eLearning & Education

Through our digital expertise, we’ve positively impacted eLearning and education, offering interactive software solutions and targeted marketing efforts that enhance educational platforms and engage learners effectively.

Automotive industry

In the dynamic automotive industry, our software prowess and digital marketing finesse have driven innovation, streamlining operations and crafting impactful campaigns for a competitive edge in the market.

Media & Entertainment

Our digital solutions have left a mark on the media and entertainment landscape, creating immersive software experiences and executing engaging marketing campaigns to captivate audiences and boost brand presence.

Enterprise & Manufacturing

With a focus on efficiency and scalability, we’ve supported enterprise and manufacturing businesses with robust software solutions and strategic digital marketing, optimizing operations and fostering growth.

Logistics & Transportation

Seamlessly connecting logistics and transportation through digital means, our company has provided software solutions and targeted digital marketing to enhance efficiency and elevate the industry’s digital presence.


Partner with Us for Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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